Pay It Forward Bags are durable, reusable, fabric Christmas gift bags designed to reduce the waste of Christmas wrapping paper and provide gift givers and receivers with beautiful packaging for their gifts.
The bag is designed to be "paid forward.” The receiver can re-gift the bag to someone else, spreading Christmas cheer from person to person, year after year, and eliminating unnecessary packaging for years to come. Inside each bag is a small note card for logging the giver’s and receiver’s first name, location, and year the bag was paid forward.
Over time, the history of the bag and its global receivers will be shared with future gift bag receivers, telling a story of great adventures around the community, the country, and even the world! It’s amazing to see how far the “Pay It Forward” revolution can spread!
Designed in Melbourne.
$1.00 per bag sold is donated to Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA)